Introduction to GIS

2 Enrolled No ratings yet Intermediate

Course Description

This comprehensive course combines Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and QGIS to help learners understand and use geospatial data effectively. It covers various topics, from data types and models to practical GIS workflows. 


Participants will explore GIS software, data management, and geospatial data handling with a focus on real-world applications. The course also delves into coordinate systems, map projections, and accurate data transformation. 


Through hands-on exercises and a case study, participants will develop spatial analysis skills for conducting residential suitability assessments and improving decision-making in different professional fields using GIS tools.

What You’ll Learn 

  • A brief overview of GIS, key components, and functions.
  • Handling geospatial data using QGIS.
  • Understanding coordinate systems and projections with practical applications and examples.
  • Geospatial data creation and extraction
  • Ways to obtain geospatial data
  • Performing attribute and spatial queries.
  • Case Study on the application of GIS tools in a real-world scenario for a residential suitability assessment.

At a Glance 

Duration: 10 Hours

Modules: 05

Exercises: 05

Language: English

Level: Beginner level

100% Online: Learn at your own pace

Course Outline 

Topics Lectures 
Module 1_ Introduction to GIS & QGIS  Week 01

  • Definition and Benefits of GIS
  • Basic Functions and Overview of GIS Workflow 
  • Components of GIS
  • Data
  • GIS Software

Exercise 01: Exploring the QGIS User Interface

  • User Interface – Follow Along
  • Toolbars and Panels – Try it yourself
  • Creating and Saving a New QGIS Project
Module 2_ Working with Geospatial Data Week 02

  • GIS Data Types and Spatial Entities
  • Data Models in GIS
  • Raster and Vector Data Model
  • GIS Data File Types
  • Vector and Raster Models, and Geodatabases.
  • Sources of Spatial and Non-Spatial Data

Exercise 02: Getting Familiar with Spatial Data on QGIS

  • GIS Data Viewing Essentials:
  • Map Navigation
  • Layer Management
  • Working with Vector Data & Attributes
  • Adding Shapefile to QGIS
  • Opening and Selection of Records in Attribute Table
  • Map Features Selection
  • Obtaining Attribute Information
  • Symbology
  • Simple Symbols and Their Classification Based On Attributes
  • Labeling
  • Simple and Advanced Labelling
  • Data Types Attribute
  • Field Calculator and Joins: Efficient Data Calculations
Module 3_Coordinate Systems and Map Projections Week 03

  • Coordinate System and Its Reference System
  • Datum
  • Types of CRS
  • Map Projections
  • Coordinate Transformation

Exercise 03: Coordinate Systems and Map Projections

  • Differences Between Geographic CS and Projected CS
  • WGS 84 CRS
  • NAD83 / Statistics Canada Lambert CRS
  • Observe More CRS
  • Overlay Two Different CRS on the Same Map
  • Coordinate Transformation
Module 4_  Digitizing, Geo-referencing and Downloading Free Data Week 04

  • Working with Raster Data
  • Basic Digitizing
  • Advanced Digitizing
  • Georeferencing
  • Coordinate Transformation of the Raster Dataset

Exercise 04: 

  • Extracting Point Features from Topo Maps with Attributes
  • Digitizing Features on Scanned Topographic Map
  • Georeferencing Scanned Map
  • Georeferencing Google Earth Image Download
  • Spatial Data from OSM Free Download 
Module 5_ Basic Spatial Analysis Week 05

  • Case Study – Simple Residential Suitability Analysis
  • Data Preparation for Analysis
  • Preparing the Study Area
  • Preparing Roads Data
  • Preparing Places Data
  • Buffer Analysis
  • Single Buffer
  • Multiple-ring Buffers
  • Overlay Analysis
  • Union Overlay
  • Intersect Overlay

Exercise 05


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4.5Instructor Rating
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